-The robot is capable of doing the whole task under a minute - the fastest placing is 58 seconds, while the longest is 66 seconds. The movements are simple but exact.
Good for challenges
-The robot is not only capable of taking all three elements - it can keep one if necessary. The robot can carry any object on the field - cables, elements, kits, even fences, bikes and apartment houses.
Educational materials
-The full pack contains file with program explanations. However, the file will not only clarify the program secrets but also give some tips about how to make a robot move stable.
Choose the available method
You can make the payment either via Boosty or Patreon. As soon as the post is purchased, you will have access to all the files. If you have another payment method to suggest, I will be glad to discuss it in my Telegram: @the15thfloor
Choose the available method
You can make the payment either via Boosty or Patreon. As soon as the post is purchased, you will have access to all the files. If you have another payment method to suggest, I will be glad to discuss it in my Telegram: @the15thfloor